Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

I meant to post this yesterday, but was so sick I couldn't even get up! I want to wish all of you a happy new year. 2011 was a great year for me and I was sad to see it come to an end, I made such big decisions and took so many risks. and most importantly I made my dream wedding a reality! I couldn't have asked for more. But this new year I expect bigger things in my life and I wanted to share some of my goals and please feel free to tell me yours and together we can watch them turn into reality.

  • This year I will eat healthier, and exercise regularly!
  • This year I will take more risks and not be so shy.
  • I will follow my instincts and always do things because I want to and never expecting anything. 
  •  I want to get better each day at what I love doing! I want to be a better blogger and a better makeup artist. 
 This goals are more then achiveable as long as I give it my 100% and stay focus I will active each and one of them and more! I also would love to know what would you like to see more of from me? leave you comments below. Good Luck Xxx

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