Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Awesome Cellulite Scrub!

 It seems that every woman, no matter how genetically blessed has at least one dimple some where, if not a few hundred! I always thought I would be dimple free, but that was just a fairy tale! I was trying to find a natural home scrub and found this one, and I must admit that I'm in love. It feels so nice on my skin and I can actually feel it working plus the smell of coffee made me feel refreshed and awake! I don't drink coffee but if someone was to tell me that drinking it will vanish my celullite I would start jugging it down! try it and let me know how you like it! Good Luck Xxx
Awesome Cellulite Body Scrub:
2 Cups Ground Coffee
1 Cup Brown Sugar
4 Tablespoons Olive Oil or Almond Oil (I use more than 4 tablespoons, and baby oil)
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and use the scrub in the shower. Make sure to be careful to wash scrub off well, as the coffee could stain towel or clothing if not rinsed well.  Feel free to add essential oils if desired as well!

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