Thursday, January 19, 2012

Clear A Breakout Fast!

  I went away for a few days and was not at all nice with my skin! I either spent the whole day wearing makeup and dint do my whole routine or even slept with makeup on!! :(. For some reason no matter how good I am with my skin the moment I get comfortable it almost always misbehaves. so I started to look at my home recipes book for a natural recipe to combat breakouts and keep your skin calm. Ingredients like Turmeric can be incredibly healing for your skin. Check out this natural recipe for skin healing face mask.
2 teaspoons honey
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 teaspoon turmeric
In a bowl, mix all ingredients into a paste.  Apply over any pimples on your face. Leave for minimum of 30 minutes (max over night).  This can also be used an all over face mask that can be a preventative for acne. Good Luck Xxx


  1. Your blog is AMAZING and I am definitely trying out this mask tonight! I am giving you the Versatile Blogger award!! Go to my blog

    to check it out! =]


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