Thursday, February 23, 2012

Drugstore Find: Jergens Natural Glow

 Growing up I used to live in the sun, I didn't even know what sunscreen was or wanted to know. After Moving to the states and not having the hot sunny days 365 days a year, and hearing all the cons of sun tanning, like wrinkles, dark spots, or even worst; skin cancer. I began caring more for my skin, and needless to say started to loose that tan color and now have nothing but yellow skin. I wanted an alternative to sun tanning, but I have never been a big fan of fake tans, spray tans or anything like that! I was shopping the makeup aisle in CVS one day and decided to check out their cream section, thats when I ran by this one. I was very skeptical at first so I started trying it on my legs, a few days later applying this twice a day I started to notice my legs looked tanner and had a beautiful glow so I started applying to the rest of my body, minus the face! I love this product so much I am going out tomorrow to purchase my second bottle and will keep this in my daily routine. It evens out my skin, and even makes my stretch marks less noticeable. I recommend this to anyone, and even better I just read that they are adding sunblock to the formula which is a PLUS.! Good Luck Xxx


  1. I really want to try this after reading this! My skin is SO pale!

  2. I just started using this like a day ago and I love it! Great post! :)


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